Thursday, February 26, 2009

Ultra sound pics

This is a between the legs shot, as you can see (or not see as the case may be) there is no extra package there!! Plus, there are the three lines indicitive of a little girl. Of course we should know for sure on March 23rd.

As you can see, these pictures didn't come out as clear as I would want too! You can barely see her fat little cheeks on the bottom. She is waving her hand in both pictures.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The joys of diabetes

I called the Perinatal Office today to talk about my issues at the ER yesterday. They told me that I didn't need to come in, since they just saw me last week. I then pointed out that the ER told me to stop taking my meds. At which point the nurse backtracked and put me on hold. She had me read my weeks numbers and then she said "you are a really hard case." It looks like I am headed for insulin in the next couple of months. I went to my regular OB today. Got to hear the baby. The heartbeat was in the 150's. I haven't felt her move really, except for when they are using the doppler. She DOES NOT like it. I can feel her push against it and then they lose her heartbeat because she goes as far away from the doppler as possible. It is funny. I asked her about the insulin and she said that I am only 17 weeks and since it is easier to take care of diabetes with medication they want ot keep me on it for as long as possible, but I will most likely be on insulin towards the end of my pregnancy. Joy-Joy!!!!

I went to walmart afterwards to get some groceries and I found these two cute little valentine outfits. They have are red and white onsies w/stretch pants. Mickey Mouse is on both of them. It is obviously for Valentines Day, but I just thought they were plain cute. Besides, they were $1.50 each. I got a 0-3month one w/short sleeves, and a 3-6 month one with long sleeves for fall. Hopefully on the 23 of March she is still a girl, otherwise I'll have to find someone who is having a girl!!!!!

I put Gavin to bed over an hour ago. He is still in his bed talking to himself. He is so funny sometimes. I hate to go to bed with him still awake, but I think I need too!!!

Monday, February 23, 2009

ER visit in an ambulance

Today is Gavin's birthday. Ironically two years ago I was in the hospital having a baby, which was a good thing because of the Gestational Diabetes if he didn't come when he did we would have had a still born instead of an incredibly active two year old. Why is it ironic?

I've had a sinus infection for the past week. I've been on antibiotics for it, but apparently it can mess with your diabetes. This morning my bloodsugars were really low at work. I was shaky, not making any sense whatsoever, and felt like i was walking through water. I couldn't remember Scott's work number and they couldn't find it anywhere (for some stupid reason i didn't have it listed on my emergency contact list). I even called my mother in Seattle and my old Bishop. The nurse at school couldn't get my sugars to regulate and wouldn't let me drive home, and neither would the principal. So, they called the EMT's. I got a nice little expensive ride in an ambulance and an all day stay in the ER. I almost got to spend the night, because they too had a hard time regulating my sugars. They finally used a pic line and gave me sugar water in my veins (very weird) and that did it. I'm at home now, but won't be working tomorrow. Apparently some of my students saw me leave in the ambulance. That will be fun when I come back to school!

Monday, February 16, 2009

No veto power

My stepmother died last night around 11pm. My father sounds good considering. I wish that we had the funds for me to fly out for the memorial service. I guess he will be flying her back to Arkansas. I wonder what will happen next for him.

Today we had my 16 week appointment. The tech said that she was pretty sure we are having a girl, I have to concer from what I witnessed. Amelia Larkan will be joining our family, and she will go by the name Mia. She has a very round face. My next appointment in March 23.

When we were finished we went shopping with the boys. I wanted to pick something out for the baby. Scott said "Fine, but I get to choose and you get no veto power." I agreed, figuring that he wouldn't pick anything bad. I had a good idea of what he wanted, and I was right. He chose a cute pink onsie w/I love daddy on it. Go figure!!!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Saying Goodbye

I just found out that my Stepmother Phyllis is dying. I guess she has been sick for awhile, and this week she aspirated and to put her in less pain they put her in a drug induced coma. While there I guess her brain just kind of gave out with the rest of her body. My sister Stacie is there, more for supporting my Dad than anything. I talked to my dad just a few minutes ago, he told me they were waiting for the respiratory therapist to arrive to take out the tubes. This means that within an hour my step mom will be gone. I love my Step mom, even though we didn't have much of a relationship. I did talk to her about once a year or so, I always smiled when she said "hon, or sugar". I know that she is in peace, that she knows I love her. I also know that before Gavin came to earth my Grandpa Bill kissed him and sent him on his way. I know when this little one comes my grandparents and Phyllis will send him/her on his/her way with a kiss and a hug.

The hard part is knowing the fragility of life. Both of my parents aren't in the greatest of health. My dad was in Arkansas over Christmas. I wish that I had taken the initiative to go visit him, even though it would have been difficult. I know the last time I talked to Phylis was over Christmas and I told her I loved her. This all got me thinking over what happens in the next few years. How long do I have my parents for. When will be the next time I will have a chance to hug them? Will my dad ever get to meet my children in person? I hope so.

What a week

I wasn't feeling very well on Monday so instead of going to School I ended up seeing my OB. Everything is fine. She suggested I get a pregnancy girdle. I put it on and I became obviously pregnant. I don't like it very much though. It says it is for my size, but I don't think so!!!

On Thursday I had my observation reviews with both my Prinicpal and Vice Principal. I had some positives and negatives. Obviously life is a learning lesson and I have much to learn! I will improve, for that is what makes all good teachers.

Friday we took Gavin to his heart specialist. That was a disaster. He screamed and wiggled through the u/s of his heart and they couldn't get a clear picture. They thought they saw something, but aren't sure. So we have no clue as to whether the holes have gotten smaller or bigger. He pretty much screamed for every part of the 2 hour visit, expect when the doctor came in at the end to give us the results (what results, they couldn't come up with anything). She finally was able to listen to him with a stethoscope and she could clearly hear that he still had a heart murmer - so he deffenitly still has little holes. She told us we could bring him back at 3 and a half and not to feed him breakfast in case they had to put him to sleep for the tests.

Monday should be a fun day. I get to have an ultrasound done of the baby, and hopefully the baby with cooperate and we can find out the gender. Fun stuff.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Should be in bed

Soooo, I've been cramping all week. I am sure that it is just round ligament pain, but considereing it started happening after doing copious amounts of walking last saturday I have decided to get it looked at. I feel bad because I am out sick today from my students and I will have a substitute again on Friday to take Gavin to the Cardiologist for his annual checkup.

I really should be in bed right now. I woke up at 4:30 am stressing about my students. I worry about them, and now that I am up I just can't seem to calm myself down long enough to go back to bed. I will probably head down in a few minutes only to be woken up by Gavin who has already started stirring.

Friday, February 6, 2009

okay so the first 5 people to respond to this post will receive something made by me to choice. made especially for you.of course there are some restrictions and limitations:1 i make no guarantees that you will like what i make!2 what i create will be just for you.3 it will be done sometime this year.4 you have no clue what it will be... it may be a story. it may be poetry or an article on properly cleaning your face before a masque. i may draw or paint something. i may bake something and mail it to you. who knows? not you, thats for sure.5 i reserve the right to do something extremely strange. the catch? oh the catch is that you must repost this on your blog and offer the same to the first 5 people who do the same on their blog.the first 5 people to do so and leave a comment telling me they did will win a FAB-U-LOUS homemade gift by me!! oh and be sure to post a picture of what you win when you get it!!