A - Attached or Single: Attached
B - Best Friend(s): Husband Scott!
C - Cake or Pie: Pie
D - Day of Choice: Sunday
E - Essential Item: a good nights sleep
G - Greatest Accomplishment - hmm, I have several - two are sleeping in bed
H - Hometown - I've always considered Washington a home base for me.
I- Indulgences - hot bubble bath, and a good book
.J - January or July: July
K - Kids: 2,
L - Life is Incomplete without: Family
M - Marriage Date: August 13, 2003 sealed on July 21 2006
N - Number of Siblings: 4 sisters and one brother, plus one sister in AR I haven't met
O - Oranges or Apples: oranges
P - Phobias: closed in spaces
Q - Quotes: faith is not to have a perfect knowledge of things, but a hope of things that aren't seen which are true (Alma 32:21)
R - Reason to Smile: Gavin started to walk this week S
- Season: Autumn, it is just so pretty, and I love to wear sweaters.
T - Tag 5 friends:
U - Unknown facts about me: I am an open book.
V - Very favorite store: Walmart - Hmmm, I don't know
W - Worst Habit: I eat too much and drink too much diet soda
X - x-ray or ultrasound: I've had several of both
Y - Your favorite food: prime rib
Z - Zodiac Sign: aries A - Attached or Single: Attached
B - Best Friend(s): Husband Scott!
C - Cake or Pie: Pie
D - Day of Choice: Sunday
E - Essential Item: a good nights sleep
G - Greatest Accomplishment - hmm, I have several - two are sleeping in bed
H - Hometown - I've always considered Washington a home base for me.
I- Indulgences - hot bubble bath, and a good book
.J - January or July: July
K - Kids: 2,
L - Life is Incomplete without: Family
M - Marriage Date: August 13, 2003 sealed on July 21 2006
N - Number of Siblings: 4 sisters and one brother, plus one sister in AR I haven't met
O - Oranges or Apples: oranges
P - Phobias: closed in spaces
Q - Quotes: faith is not to have a perfect knowledge of things, but a hope of things that aren't seen which are true (Alma 32:21)
R - Reason to Smile: Gavin started to walk this week S
- Season: Autumn, it is just so pretty, and I love to wear sweaters.
T - Tag 5 friends:
U - Unknown facts about me: I am an open book.
V - Very favorite store: Walmart - Hmmm, I don't know
W - Worst Habit: I eat too much and drink too much diet soda
X - x-ray or ultrasound: I've had several of both
Y - Your favorite food: prime rib
Z - Zodiac Sign: aries
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Life as a teacher
Life as a teacher has its ups and downs. I am loving my students. They make me laugh every day - this gutteral gaphaw that has them roaring and trying their darndest to make me do it again. I love being surrounded by strong women and sharing my life with them. The teacher I share my "home base" is wonderful. She is definitely a kindred spirit. Most of the other teachers in my sphere of influence add a smile to my life every day. I can't imagine my life without the opportunity to help shape the lives of children whether they be my own two and six year olds or my 14-18 year olds!
Friday, November 14, 2008
Birthdays and introductions
Well, Donovan had his Birthday last week. He is now 6 years old. I can't believe how big he has gotten. It amazes me at how fast time flys. He recieved his "big boy" bike. The last bike we got him was for his third birthday. Scott found it at a yard sale for $5.00. It has served its purpose very well the last three years. Donovan learned how to go on just two wheels and the bike is just getting too small for him. Scott found a new one on sale at Target. It is Donovan's favorite color - green.
Well, onto the introductions. I've never posted a picture of our dog Thumper. He is a pug/beagle mix. He's a bit high strung, but maybe with time he will get calmer. He is beautiful!!! As you can see his favorite toy is a small rabbit. (kinda ironic wouldn't ya say). He is mostly good with Gavin. He does try to lick Gavin's face and nip his ears. The two of them wrestle, it is really cute to see. It's too bad you couldn't see Gavin's face in this picture.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Doesn't that face just say it all! Utter contentment. Gavin LOVES blankets, and anything similar to blankets. He was tired and he gathered all the blankets and clean towels in the livingroom. He piled them ontop of the couch and grabbed his tigger. He then climbed up onto the couch and snuggled. Scott took this fabulous picture of Gavin. Don't you just love that smile!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Trick or treat
Trick or treating. I remember last year feeling silly dressing Gavin up as a lion and having him go trick or treating. I wasn't planning on giving him any of the candy he collected. Heck, he was only 8 months old. This year he was a dragon. Green, wings, the whole nine yards. Guess what, he got to eat some of his candy. He would see me open a piece and he gets all excited. He smacks his lips and his eyes brighten to an azure blue. Have I created a monster? Yeah, and a soda monster too. He gets so mad if I don't share with him. I should be stronger, but his excited little giggle which turns into a shrill scream gets me every time. I
always think "a sip won't hurt." Yeah right, right? Well, he enjoyed going out and trick or treating. He rode on his daddy's shoulders most of the time and giggled when his brother would pass by. Donovan would walk with us up to the next drive way. He would then look at us and say "now can I run" he would then run up the driveway and call out his trick or treat to the people at the door. If they asked him any questions he would growl at them. Hmmm, bat man growling? I think he forgets that he isn't a tiger like he was when he was two. Then again, he growls whenever a stranger talks to him. I guess he is taking "Stranger Danger" at full face value
Gavin wouldn't stop trying to get candy. It is amazing that at 20 months old he recognizes the wrappers of candy. Donovan got upset when I told him I had to go through his candy first (due to the recalled candy from China of all places). His comment was "Genevieve, don't eat all the good stuff!" with a wine. Heck, how did he know I was going to pick out all the good chocolate. Thank goodness his idea of the good stuff and mine are different. He didn't want me to take his crabby patty's and fruit snacks. I just wanted the chocolate!
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