Thursday, January 29, 2009


Today when I got home I found Gavin wrapped up in the quilt that my mother made me when I was Gavin's age. It is yellow gingham, soft, and my favorite blanket. For the last few weeks it is what I have used to go to sleep at night - it is a twin sized blanket so big enough for my large frame. It gives me comfort, my "mommy blanket", and although Scott teases me mercilessly he knows that it is important to me. Apparently every day when it is nap time Gavin curls up into my "mommy blanket" and says "mommy" as he drifts off to sleep. It is as though he knows that that blanket is a part of me and even though I am not physically there, the blanket is.

As Gavin lay swaddled on our bed all of a sudden I hear pretend snoozing. Where on earth did my two year old learn that you snore when you sleep. Later this evening he dragged my "mommy blanket" up the stairs, literally plopped himself down on the blanket said "night-night" and began to snore. Two seconds later he looked up at me and gave me his little grin. Scott and I came to the conclusion that at some point during their naps in the afternoon (apparently Gavin won't take a nap unless he is lying in bed with Daddy) Gavin has woken up when Daddy has still been asleep. He is such a smart little boy that he has put two and two together, and that equals: when you sleep you snore!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

My litte copy cat

This morning Scott finished cutting his hair. He had to stop in the middle a few days ago because the clippers quite in the middle of the process. He looks pretty good, except this little piece of hair that is sticking way up on his head, even though I tried and tried to cut it. Funny thing is Gavin has the same spot sticking up on his head!!!!

After I finished clipping Scotts hair I placed the clippers on the counter. My little monkey boy has miraculously gotten tall enough to reach the edge of the counter and pulled the clippers off. He then started to run them through his hair making the same buzzing sound the clippers make. He has incredible pitch - must have gotten that from his momma. I took the clippers from him and began to really cut his hair. I expected him to scream as his bother does. Nope! He sat there and giggled, except towards the end when I needed to trim up by his ears. He cryed then, but I wasn't going to let him be bedraggled.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Braved the treacherous roads

Missouri got hit with snow and ice last night. Around 9pm there was about 2 inches on the ground and I got the sweetest call. No school. I needed the break. I have tons of papers to grade and my laundry really needs to be caught up. I finally got the kitchen spotless, so that is my next project.

I had my 13 week Dr. appointment scheduled for 4:30pm today, however I got a call this morning asking if I was going to cancel or if I wanted an earlier appointment because of the snow/ice. I was excited because I wasn't looking forward to driving in the weather and Scott had to go to the temple early to word today so he wouldn't have been able to come. My appointment was moved to 9:45, Scott came and he drove!

Since getting pregnant I have lost 7 pounds. The doctor is pleased with this weight loss, I'm sure because I am rather obese and diabetic to boot . I know that following the diabetic diet is aiding in this loss. I lost about 15 pounds when I had Gavin, so I won't be surprised if I continue to lose with this one.

I hate being so heavy because it takes so long for them to find the hb this early. It actually was painful as she kept pushing and prodding. For about five minutes I anxiously waited and only heard my hb, then the most beautiful sound - coming in at 160bpm!!! Strong and healthy!!! She asked if I had any concerns, the only one I had is I have had a constant headache since getting pregnant and know that I will soon start having migraines. They hit really hard the second and third trimester. I was given a script for migraines, and made another appointment for next month. All in all short but sweet.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Into the second trimester

Ah heaven! That is what it feels to be slipping into the second trimester. The nausea is wearing away, the exhaustion is lightening up and the excitement is growing. I had my third ultrasound last monday. It was absolutely amazing to see my wee little bean look like a baby instead of a gummy bear (as it had at 8 weeks). I sat (or rather lay there) in awe as I watched the baby dance and twist. Fun, I'll have another active one!!!! My next ultrasound is February 16. I'll be 16 weeks then and hopefully I will get a sneak peak at the sex of the baby. If not I'm sure the preceding u/s will uncover that mystery.

Why so many u/s you ask? Well, at 8 weeks they went ahead and tested me for Gestational Diabetes since I had it with Gavin. Lo and behold my blood sugars were high. At my last doctors appointment with my perinatologist (fancy baby doctors with really cool high tech ultrasounds) the doctor informed me that for a woman this early in her pregnancy it was unusual to have blood sugars this high. He put me down as having Type II diabetes and suspects that I was diabetic previous to the pregnancy. Great! No more pizza, cake, ice cream, blah, blah, blah! The good news is that I will have 8 months of eating healthy to get me started. I have to get testing 12 weeks after the baby is here to see if I do indeed have Diabetes. And if it ends up that I don't I have to have testing every year for the rest of my life. Thanks Polycistic Ovarian Syndrome, obesity, and genentics!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So, do I want a girl or a boy? I know that is on the minds of so many! As well as myself! I keep waffling. I want a girl for various reasons. I am close to my mother and I want that for my children. I know that although I love my mother in law I don't call her every other day and ask for advice, chat about the kids, ect! I know that although my daughter in laws will love me (what's not to love?) they won't confide in me as a daughter would. Not only that but have you seen little boys clothes? They are not cute at all!!!!!!! I have a wonderful friend at work who is Greek. She has a wonderful track record of "knowing" the gender of a baby. She has told me that I am having a girl. As does my mother believe I am carrying a little girl.

Having a boy would be the easy route! I already have two boys. We are all set clothes wise. They may not be as cute as little girls clothes, but I have them coming out my ears (except we are reaching the 2T's which for some reason I didn't save alot of Donovan' 2T's - I think he wore them out and stained them. For some reason I can't put stained clothes on my kids.) Not only do we have the clothes, but I already know how to raise boys. I already have a routine going! Besides that - Donovan really likes having his own room and I know will throw a huge coniption if he has to give it up and share with Gavin. Although (this is really weird) he has said that if the baby is a girl he wouldn't mind sharing his room with her! NOT HAPPENING!!!!!!

Either way I will be happy. I guess it really doesn't matter one way or the other, but I sure do hope the next couple weeks flies by and the u/s tech can discern a sex!!!! Either way I will have 7 more months with at least one u/s a month to finally get that sneak peak!!!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Gavin just gets cuter with age. The other day I was just giving him tons of kisses and he gently pats my face and says "no kisses" clear as day. I just busted up laughing.

Donovan goes home tomorrow. We had him for quite a bit over the Christmas Holiday. I've enjoyed having him around. He got a cool "sea monster" aquariam from his Grandparents Elias' and he finally got it started today. Too bad he will be at his mothers when the eggs hatch.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Oh how they grow

It amazes me how fast our children grow. As I rocked Gavin for our cuddle time before bed (I no longer rock him to sleep, but I still rock for about 15 minutes. Okay, sometimes he still falls asleep but this is something I love to do and have loved it since the first moment I held him in the NICU) I realized started to reminice his little short life. I remeber the first time I got to hold him. The peace and joy, two days without holding your little one is daunting. I hear now that I should have insisted I got to hold him at least once before they took him to the NICU. I remember the first time he smiled at me. It was in his sleep after I kissed him. He still smiles when I kiss him when he is almost asleep, almost as if he knows by that touch that momma loves him. I remember how he started to do the army crawl and didn't start regular crawling until he was 11 months old. I still laugh when I think of how he would scoot up to the television, stand up and start clapping. He took his first steps away from he tv, clapped and then plopped to the ground. I love how since he started walking in November (the 24th to be exact) that his vocabulary has grown. His newest words are Scott, (momma needs to start calling him daddy more often) and blanket. Oh, how cute it sounds!

Why am I waxing so memorial all of a sudden. I am 10 weeks pregnant and thinking of how life will change. I am throughly excited, and want this new child with every part of who I am. I know that having this child will make our family complete. I've always felt this way. I just worry about the changes that Gavin will have to go through to adjust. Okay the changes I will have to go through to adjust. I guess I don't know how to explain it. I love our cuddle time. I love holding him. I am scared that when the new baby comes I won't be able to be the mother that all three of my children will need. Donovan was different. He is attached to Scott. He loves me, but he doesn't quite have the same needs as gavin does when it comes to me. Gavin is such a jealous child. Heck, he was sitting on Daddy's lap the other night. I leaned over onto Scott's shoulder and Gavin got mad and tried pushing me off. How will life change? How will Gavin change? How can I help prepare him? How can I help prepare myself?