Trick or treating. I remember last year feeling silly dressing Gavin up as a lion and having him go trick or treating. I wasn't planning on giving him any of the candy he collected. Heck, he was only 8 months old. This year he was a dragon. Green, wings, the whole nine yards. Guess what, he got to eat some of his candy. He would see me open a piece and he gets all excited. He smacks his lips and his eyes brighten to an azure blue. Have I created a monster? Yeah, and a soda monster too. He gets so mad if I don't share with him. I should be stronger, but his excited little giggle which turns into a shrill scream gets me every time. I
always think "a sip won't hurt." Yeah right, right? Well, he enjoyed going out and trick or treating. He rode on his daddy's shoulders most of the time and giggled when his brother would pass by. Donovan would walk with us up to the next drive way. He would then look at us and say "now can I run" he would then run up the driveway and call out his trick or treat to the people at the door. If they asked him any questions he would growl at them. Hmmm, bat man growling? I think he forgets that he isn't a tiger like he was when he was two. Then again, he growls whenever a stranger talks to him. I guess he is taking "Stranger Danger" at full face value
Gavin wouldn't stop trying to get candy. It is amazing that at 20 months old he recognizes the wrappers of candy. Donovan got upset when I told him I had to go through his candy first (due to the recalled candy from China of all places). His comment was "Genevieve, don't eat all the good stuff!" with a wine. Heck, how did he know I was going to pick out all the good chocolate. Thank goodness his idea of the good stuff and mine are different. He didn't want me to take his crabby patty's and fruit snacks. I just wanted the chocolate!
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