Friday, December 26, 2008


Merry Christmas!

I know it has been a month since I last posted. It seems like when life gets busy I don't have time for quite so many updates!!

Christmas was fun. We picked Donovan up on the 19th and had him until Christmas morning at around 10am. We wanted him to have a chance to open his gifts and play at leisure so we decided to have Christmas on Christmas Eve. I forgot to put the gifts out that previous night - Scott and I didn't fully discuss how this was going to go. Anyways what finally happened was that while Donovan was distracted Scott or I placed a few gifts under the tree at a time. Of course Donovan noticed, so we told him that Santa must have done it. I love the innocence of childhood because he took us at face value. I actually believe he knows there is no Santa, but wants to believe so he does. Kind of interesting.

Anyway, of course he wanted to open the gifts right away, however we kept saying "how do you know Santa isn't done." He's a smart cookie and wanted the answer to that. On the fly I came up with the idea of "maybe Santa will write a letter to let us know who gets what present and when he is done." (Who gets what? well, there were no names on packages. Each of us had our gifts wrapped in a different paper so we didn't have to buy tags. Genius right?).

Finally Scott had me take Donovan on a walk with the dog so that he could type up the letter (He was so cute, he wanted to be the one to write it out). When we came back the following note found its way on the Christmas tree:

While Mom and Dad prepare Christmas treats
Donovan and Gavin anxiously in their seats
Each stocking has clues to which gifts are whose.
The Greatest gift being Christ's gift to all of you
His birth and his life all teach great lessons
Yet his suffering and death were even greater presents
For through his atonement we all have a chance
To be together forever with all of our friends
(even France)
I have myself a gift for you too
As family is Scattered. Here is my wish for you.
A chance to start 1 day early
So both sets of parents can celebrate with you
Merry Christmas
Santa Claus