Time for updates! YEAH!!!!
Lets start with the haircuts!

I cut Gavin's hair last night. He SOOOO needed one. He was looking rather shabby. I thought he looked cute, however it has been really hot lately and the poor boy gets red in the face so easily at daycare. He loves to play hard. As you can see his daddy looks a bit shabby too! Donovan is short haired as always, his mom likes him to have it that short at all times!

I decideded to cut his hair with scissors! Um, that was a mistake! He cryed the entire time and I ended up with a bathtub full of hair. He looked really cute from the front! However it looked like I butchered his hair from the back. OH, I DID butcher it from the back!!!!

So, this afternoon I decided to just buzz him. I didn't want to go too short, so I went with the length daddy did this past week. A #7 if that means anything! The funniest thing is that yesterday he screamed when I cut his hair and tonight with the clippers he actually WANTED me to give him a hair cut! Not as cute as before, but he's still adorable!

He may not look happy in the dimmly lit picture, but he likes his hair! He wanted to go watch cars! Which is a good segway onto the next topic! CARS!!!
For 3 years Gavin has not been interested in television. Well, on Saturday Cars was on Disney. He LOVES playing with cars, so it shouldn't have been a surprise! He sat there transfixed. In fact when a comerical would come on he would run into the other room crying for CARS. It was so cute that we had to go and buy the movie for him. He has been walking around going Kabow, Kachow ever since! OH SO CUTE!!!! Granted, now he doesn't want to read books, but that is not an option. I actually am going to start keeping track of how long I read to my kids. I want Them to have at least 500-1000 hours of reading before they go to school.
Talking about school - Today when I picked Gavin up he had a paper with his name printed on it three times. He said "Gavin name" when he saw it. I showed him the paper and he said G-A-V-I-N. I was so excited. Un

fortunately he wouldn't do it for Daddy!
Mia has started to sleep in her crib! Huge for mommy. For a week now I've had a whole nights sleep. Granted, not last night, but hopefully that will be a fluke! She actually is starting to go down on her own also. She crys for a few minutes, it breaks my heart to listen to her but I'm tired of her pinching me, so I think it is best!
OH, how do you love her big blue eyes!