Sunday, July 26, 2009

Watching the clock

It is now all a matter of time. In a little more than an hour Scott is going to take Donovan (who is rather insistent on meeting grandma at the airport) to pick up my mom and Kathy. I so want to go but there isn't enough room in the car. Scott is just going curbside so it isn't like we would wait for them to come off the plane anyways.

For the past 4 weeks Mia has been vertex (head down). On Thursday she decided that she wasn't going to give her momma any chance of even the idea of a vbac and is now breech. She is such a little stinker! She feels heavier, I feel so much pressure it isn't even funny. There is this part of me that wants to feel what real labor is like. I want my water to break and I want to feel contractions. It doesn't look like she is going to oblige! Oh, well. It's not like I really want to be in any more pain than I have been for the last couple of days anyway!

I had my first pregnancy related dream last night. I dreamed that Mia was here. I dreamed that she had beautiful red hair the color of her aunt Emily (oh how I hope so!) and that I had no problems with my milk supply and she latched on immediately. She was feisty though and I had to wrap her up pretty good to keep her hands from pushing on me (Gavin would do that). I then dreamed that the nurses forgot to put in the IV's in me properly and let me walk around right after surgery (like I would be able to do that anyways). They also forgot to weigh and measure Mia after she was born. It's kind of funny. My dream reassured me of my fears in regards to breastfeeding, but heightened my fears about the nurses at the hospital I will deliver at. Scott was there for a week and didn't have a very good experience. I guess I really am worried about it!!!!

I can't believe that I only have two more days left before I get to hold her. Last night was a nightmare trying to sleep I was so excited because Mom is going to be here. Add that to the discomfort of being 39 weeks pregnant!!!!! I know tonight will be interesting to sleep through but Monday I think will be almost impossible. Scott is working Monday night, but planning on coming home early (probably around 2am). I'm sure that I will have a hard time falling asleep and then when he gets home I will become wide awake again. I have to be at the hospital at 5:30 am so I know that I will be up at around 4am to take a shower and make sure that my suitcase is ready. It is right now, but I know myself and I'll repack it again and again in the next two days. Oh the anxiety and excitement coursing through me right now. Heck I keep pausing as I type to look up at the clock. It has been 8:59 for the LONGEST time! I guess the old saying a watched kettle never boils can go for a watched clock never progresses in time!!!!!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Finally some good 3d pics of Mia

Today I had my growth ultrasound at the Perinatal Center. Scott and Gavin came with me (Donovan was with his mom). Gavin was super busy then entire time I did my NST (non-stress test). The only time he sat still was when the nurse gave him a blue-rasberry snow cone (I wish I could have one. They look SOOOOOOOOOO good.) Amelia also wouldn't stay still. I was having contractions, but the monitor was too high to catch it. The nurse moved both the heartbeat and contraction monitors. She wiggled, squirmed, and moved away from the monitors. It was just as adorable as her brother visiting the other women in the monitoring room!
Finally it was my turn for the growth u/s. I love seeing her. She ended up measuring approx. 8 lbs 3 ozs which is the 88th percentile of fetus' her gestational age. I figure that when she arrives she will be in between 8-9.5 lbs. My belly sure is big enough, and still growing! The best part was when the tech tried to get a 3d picture of Mia's face. In the past the techs didn't try very hard. This time Mia had her hands in front of her face. We jiggled her around and finally got some good pictures of her. The first one she still had her hand covering much of her face, however it is a great picture of her chubs. I just love the double and possibly tripple chin she has. She is going to be my little gordita!
The second picture made me get all weepy. Every single u/s in the past I've always left thinking that she looked a little weird. Each time the tech would say something like "You'd look funny too squished up against the placenta." I always wanted a clearer look at her, even if it was a profile. Today I got my wish. I was just amazed at how her lips look so perfect and that she has my chin, Just like her brother does. Scott pouted when I said that and tryed to make his chin look similar. It was hilarious. It was amazing how Gavin just sat transfixed by the pictures on the screen. He kept saying "baby" over and over again. The tech left to talk w/the doctor and I just couldn't stop looking at the screen. I know that I will spend hours just looking at her when she gets here. Just as I did when Gavin was a newborn. (Heck, even today I go into the boys bedroom at night just to look at Gavin and Donovan in their sleep. They are at their most angelic!). I just can't wait until the 28th.
Just one quick note about Gavin! He is such a shoeaholic. He just loves to wear shoes. Well, tonight I was putting him to bed and I took his shoes off. Oh, what a mistake. He just cried! Finally I got him calmed down and put him to bed. A few minutes later he was just weeping. You could hear him repeating "shoes" over and over again. I walked into his room and he was tring to climb his dresser to get his shoes. I got them down for him and he just giggled as I put them on his feet. He climbed into bed, covered himself with his blankets and giggled again. Just made me smile soooo much.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

graduation, swimming, and the fourth of july

Each of these deserves its own blog, but oh well.

On May 21, 2009 Donovan graduated from kindergarten. His daddy was able to attend (I wish I could have). He was a bit sad, not quite ready to graduate - I think a picture is worth a thousand words.

Gavin went with Scott of course. He worships his older brother, as you can see from the picture. Not only that but he just adores wearing hats (although only briefly. I just wish Scott got a good picture of Donovan as well.

One of the first purchases we made this summer was that of a small pool to keep the kids cool. Funny thing is that we only have used it twice because soon after we got a membership to the community pool, so we spend most of our time there. Donovan loved the pool.

Gavin liked the pool, but he prefers to be swaddled up in a blanket or play in the dogs cage. I just love these pics of Gavin. They are just toooo cute!!! But then I am surely biased! You may be asking yourself - My goodness look at that bruise on Gavin's forhead!!! Yeah, he fell while I was at the hospital when I was having contractions several weeks ago. The bruise is finally fading away, but there are these times when he wrinkles his forhead and it looks like he has a dent! It makes me feel horrible!

Fourth of July has always been a special holiday for me. I am grateful to live in the United States, and am proud to be an American. Each year I am reminded of why we celebrate the 4th of July. On the Second of July the continental congress met and decided to write a declaration of independence. It took 2 more days for it to be written. Thomas Jefferson wrote later that the signing of the declaration of independence would be heralded through parades, firework displays, picnics, ect! How interesting that over 200 years later we are still celebrating it. This year we had planned on driving to Washington, Missouri to participate in a "Tea Party" activity, however it was HOT, I'm 9 months pregnant, and it was raining. We decided to stay at home, since our neighbors across the street spent an inordinate amount of money on pretty explosives!!!! We went out at about 8pm. Gavin would walk a bit away from me and as soon as a firework was set off he would run back to me and say "Hot, hot". It was adorable. He was fascinated by the snakes, and we got him to try the sparklers. His favorite part was to put the sparkler next to another surface and see the glow it created. He is our thinker, that is for sure. Donovan had such a blast that he didn't want to come in. We let him stay outside for an extra hour after we went inside. Our neighbor was out there and she kept an eye on him for us. Besides that he would pop his head in every once in a while and say "did you see that?" He was adorable. He didn't want fireworks day to end, and three days later is still lamenting the end of the fourth of july. He wants to know how many days until the next fourth of july!!!!