Today I had my growth ultrasound at the Perinatal Center. Scott and Gavin came with me (Donovan was with his mom). Gavin was super busy then entire time I did my NST (non-stress test). The only time he sat still was when the nurse gave him a blue-rasberry snow cone (I wish I could have one. They look SOOOOOOOOOO good.) Amelia also wouldn't stay still. I was having contractions, but the monitor was too high to catch it. The nurse moved both the heartbeat and contraction monitors. She wiggled, squirmed, and moved away from the monitors. It was just as adorable as her brother visiting the other women in the monitoring room!
Finally it was my turn for the growth u/s. I love seeing her. She ended up measuring approx. 8 lbs 3 ozs which is the 88th percentile of fetus' her gestational age. I figure that when she arrives she will be in between 8-9.5 lbs. My belly sure is big enough, and still growing! The best part was when the tech tried to get a 3d picture of Mia's face. In the past the techs didn't try very hard. This time Mia had her hands in front of her face. We jiggled her around and finally got some good pictures of her. The first one she still had her hand covering much of her face, however it is a great picture of her chubs. I just love the double and possibly tripple chin she has. She is going to be my little gordita!

The second picture made me get all weepy. Every single u/s in the past I've always left thinking that she looked a little weird. Each time the tech would say something like "You'd look funny too squished up against the placenta." I always wanted a clearer look at her, even if it was a profile. Today I got my wish. I was just amazed at how her lips look so perfect and that she has my chin, Just like her brother does. Scott pouted when I said that and tryed to make his chin look similar. It was hilarious. It was amazing how Gavin just sat transfixed by the pictures on the screen. He kept saying "baby" over and over again. The tech left to talk w/the doctor and I just couldn't stop looking at the screen. I know that I will spend hours just looking at her when she gets here. Just as I did when Gavin was a newborn. (Heck, even today I go into the boys bedroom at night just to look at Gavin and Donovan in their sleep. They are at their most angelic!). I just can't wait until the 28th.

Just one quick note about Gavin! He is such a shoeaholic. He just loves to wear shoes. Well, tonight I was putting him to bed and I took his shoes off. Oh, what a mistake. He just cried! Finally I got him calmed down and put him to bed. A few minutes later he was just weeping. You could hear him repeating "shoes" over and over again. I walked into his room and he was tring to climb his dresser to get his shoes. I got them down for him and he just giggled as I put them on his feet. He climbed into bed, covered himself with his blankets and giggled again. Just made me smile soooo much.
OK, that is just a couple of perfect pictures - she is going to be absolutely adorable!!
freaking amazing is all I can say. I am so excited for you!!
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