Thursday, March 12, 2009

So Many Blessings

Gavin has seen several blessings preformed in the last couple of months. I probably ask for one every other week so that I can deal with the emotions of raging hormones! The funniest thing happened today. I'm sitting on the couch studying for the Praxis (this will allow me to work at Pacific again next year) and he crawls up behind me. He places his sweet little hands on my head and says "E-why-as (his version of Elias) a bunch of words I didn't understand, then amen" my son gave me a blessing! Isn't that the cutest thing. He then proceeded to pull my hair! Okay, now that I have shared back to studying aztecan culture. Who woulda thunk that Toltec, Mayanb, Aztecan civilization would be so fundamental in me keeping my job~!


Stacie said...

I love it! Kids are so sweet. Good for you for showing him how to be a good Priesdhood holder.

John M. Green said...

Let's not forget that Scott has been involved in that Priesthood example. Goooooooooooo Scott!!!

Larkann said...

That is so cute!!! I cannot wait till the end of July and I get to see Gavin in action. How went your test?? I am sure his little blessing was an incredible help during the test.