Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Cribs and cradles

I remember as a little little girl of about 3 looking at my new sister Joan in a cradle. The next thing I'm not sure if it is a memory of my mind or a memory learned from hearing it over and over. Stacie picked Joan up out of the crib by her neck and brought her to our mom.

Well, tonight I was cleaning a sippy cup for Gavin in preperation of our night time routine. I had put Mia in her crib to keep her safe from her older brother. He either sits on her, hits her, or wants to hold her. Because of this I try to keep her out of his reach. She had been quietly taking her binky, but she started to cry. I saw Gavin leave the kitchen. I finished getting his sippy cup ready. When I walked into the bedroom I gasped. Gavin had climbed into the crib (he had NEVER up until THIS moment done so before. I didn't know he could do it!!!!) and was holding his sister in his clumsy 2 year old way. It was adorable, but made my heart stop. I guess Gavin and Mia won't be sharing a room. He just won't leave her be. Now we have to figure out how to keep Gavin safe from climbing up Donovan's bed and falling and breaking his neck!

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