Friday, April 17, 2009

Me and my shadow

Last Saturday Scott and I took the boys to a wedding reception. It was a luau. They even had a real live pig that was cooked in a pit. It was a cool experience and the boys seemed to enjoy themselves.

As we left it was beautiful and sunny out. Gavin began to chase his shadow. It was SO darned cute. He then tryed to run away from his shadow, but when it wouldn't stop following him Gavin got completely weirded out. He zigged this way, then that. He finally stomped his little feet and started to cry because his shadow scared him. Scott picked him up and he calmed down, but for the rest of my life I will remember Gavin trying to get his shadow to stop following him, and how scared he got! I know I shouldn't think it is funny. I guess you should have been there.


Ivalo said...

that is freaking halarious!!! I can just imagine it.

Larkann said...

I can just imagine him - I'm sure you laughed till you cried. That's one for his baby book - he'll love the story when he is older.

Lynette said...

That is so funny! :)