On Thursday I had my observation reviews with both my Prinicpal and Vice Principal. I had some positives and negatives. Obviously life is a learning lesson and I have much to learn! I will improve, for that is what makes all good teachers.
Friday we took Gavin to his heart specialist. That was a disaster. He screamed and wiggled through the u/s of his heart and they couldn't get a clear picture. They thought they saw something, but aren't sure. So we have no clue as to whether the holes have gotten smaller or bigger. He pretty much screamed for every part of the 2 hour visit, expect when the doctor came in at the end to give us the results (what results, they couldn't come up with anything). She finally was able to listen to him with a stethoscope and she could clearly hear that he still had a heart murmer - so he deffenitly still has little holes. She told us we could bring him back at 3 and a half and not to feed him breakfast in case they had to put him to sleep for the tests.
Monday should be a fun day. I get to have an ultrasound done of the baby, and hopefully the baby with cooperate and we can find out the gender. Fun stuff.
1 comment:
Please post what you are having. I am getting excited to know what it is. :)
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