Monday, June 8, 2009

Exhausting, but heavenly day!

I had my 32 week appointment today, as well as the fist of my non stress tests and modified biophysical scans. The tech said there was quite a bit of fluid and my placenta looked beautiful, which really relieved some of my concerns since that was an issue with Gavin. She is bum first and facing into my spine so I didn't get a good profile shot. I did however see a chin, and chunky cheeks (no surprise there). She was super active during the nst and I ended up being late to my regular doc appt. The good news about the non stress test and biophysical scan is that I get to see and hear her 2x a week now!!!

I delivered Gavin at a different hospital w/a different OB. When I was pregnant w/Gavin we toured the center, which is at a different hospital then Mia will be delivered at. I was extremely upset when they told me that for nurses convienience that they would take the baby away from me, wash him, weigh him, measure him and then give him to me (about 30 mins directly after giving birth) I told them that I wanted to bond with my baby first. They told me that this was procedure. This would have been if I had delivered vaginally. It was MUCH WORSE when I gave birth to Gavin. Scott and I had discussed that if anything went wrong with him that he would stay with the baby. I didn't realize that would mean me alone in a corner until I could feel my feet move! I couldn't have any visiters, NOTHING!!! I felt sooooooo alone, especially since I didn't know what was going on with my baby. It was an hour before I was wheeled out of there, and they were packing my son into an incubator and rushing him via helicopter to another hospital. I got to touch his head and that was it before they took him away. (I know I've probably shared this before. Sorry for those that are reading it again) I HATED my birthing experience! It was HORRIBLE!!

Today my OB told me that I would walk from my recovery room (which would be the room I would stay in for the entire stay except for delivery) to the or. I would get my spinal block and then Scott could come into the room. As soon as they are done stitching me up that will immediately push me to my recovery room, and I can be holding Mia (once I'm stiched up) while we are being pushed to the other room. Once we get there my mom can be in the room (in case something is wrong with Mia and they have to take her to the nursery and Scott stays with her - at least this time I won't be alone). I get to IMMEDIATELY start breastfeeding they won't even give her her first bath yet!! I will get her for about an hour (unless she needs to be taken in early because of blood sugar issues) and then Scott gets to take her to the nursery for all the mearuring, weighing, first bath and such! I will have my mom right there (and if not my mom than a dear friend from school who is like a surragate mom to me). I'm so excited! This is how I wanted things to go with gavin.

Later, after naps Scott and I took the boys to the local swimming pool. Scott surprised me with family passes to the Civic Center in the town next to us. It has an indoor and outdoor pool. We took the boys. When Gavin saw the pool he seemed excited, but as soon as we walked in the door he completly freaked out! Scott and I spent the 2 hours there holding him as he clung to our necks. The HEAVEN part was being able to walk at a normal pace and not feeling the back pain I've been in for months. I LOVED IT!!!! I however HATED coming out of the pool. I couldn't believe how gravity just pulls down on you. Mia felt 10 times heavier!!! We go back tomorrow!!! The good part is that after she is born I can go to the gym and work off some of my weight!!!


Ivalo said...

uhh.....nice story, but remember that some of us don't use your appreviations.

For ex:

My cl. is getting tx. for his dx of HTN d/t the increaded Na+ in his diet.

Genevieve said...

thanks, I thought I fixed the abbreviations! I'll go back and find them again!